”so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;“
Colossians 1:10
Happy Friday!
Over the years, I have found great value in seeing how the Bible connects, overlaps, and consistently points to Jesus as the centerpiece of all humanity and creation.
One of the ways to do this is to pause when you read as a word or phrase stands out. I will typically make a note and look further into the context, current application to life, and where else in Scripture the word or phrase shows up. One such phrase that has stood out to me over the years is "walk in a manner worthy," and it is important to look at how this translates to a reality in our Christian lives.
My prayer for each of us is tied into Verses 9-12 of Colossians Chapter 1 but focused on the truth found in Verse 10 above. My hope and prayer is that you and I will walk in a manner worthy of our Savior every day consistently in both our personal and professional lives as first responders.
A significant part of this consistency and application is found in the words at the end of Verse 10, "...increasing in the knowledge of God.”
Strengthening and developing our spiritual disciplines must be a daily non-negotiable. Consistently taking time every day to read the Bible and developing a habit of prayer is crucial in walking closely with Jesus. This can often feel exhausting or mundane, but don't let the "feeling" supersede the truth and power found in this. This is a key to discipline.
Here are three takeaways for this week:
1) Consistently read the Bible each day.
2) Consistently pray daily, and train your mind to pray often throughout the day (this takes discipline).
3) Connect with and encourage another Christian. Share something God has shown you as you walk with Him.