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To Fret

"Do not fret..." Psalm 37:1

Happy Friday!

A couple of days ago, as I flipped open my Bible to read a passage in Proverbs, I opened to Psalm 37. Although I've read it many times before, it had been a while since I really looked at it.

As I read through it slowly and intentionally, I was struck by the powerful and concise instruction throughout the text.

For us as Christians, it is a solid reminder of the timeless and eternal nature of God's Word. The truth of Psalm 37 is just as applicable in 2024 as when it was written three millennia ago. The phrase above, "Do not fret..." is repeated often and stood out to me. Depending on your version, “to fret” can be translated as deep-seated worry or anxiety.

This ties directly into perspective.

As police and first responders, is very easy to get our eyes on injustice or what seems to be the prosperous path of those engaged in wrongdoing. We quickly get sidetracked, disappointed, and even discouraged when we focus on circumstances, timelines, and expectations of what we think and believe should happen. Often this leads us to fret and worry.

However, we gain perspective and truth when we recalibrate our focus on Jesus and His Word. Psalm 37 does just that. It describes the seeming reality of an earthly perspective and ties it directly into the true reality of God's perspective and plan. For Christians, it highlights some of the greatest promises of life and eternity described in Scripture.

Here are three takeaway/questions:

1) This week, take time to slowly and intentionally read Psalm 37 and ask God to give you insights into His perspective.

2) When do you typically find yourself "fretting", worrying, or anxious? Ask God to show you the truth in Psalm 37.

3) What eternal promises or phrases in Psalm 37 stand out to you that bring you hope, perspective, and encouragement?

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